More reports of miracles across the country as the 40 mile convoy of tanks headed for Kyiv is stalled, out of gas? Broken down? Commentators can’t explain it.

At the same time Y drivers continue to ferry people to the borders, ferry medicines and supplies back. They carry food and other goods between the Y centers and countless people they are ministering to.

Thank you for the many who continue to give, 3 vehicles were purchased to build up the fleet that is going back and forth. Two of the young drivers are barely 20 years old, when told they should rest, said, “just one more trip today, there are people to rescue.” They drive on, going through check points where they could be stopped and arrested for breaking curfew. They continue to risk their lives. Their leaders forbid father’s and husbands from driving, it’s too dangerous they say.

The stories keep coming in of people being rescued, countless people hiding in shelters being fed. Thousands continue to cross the borders where they are met by Y volunteers, who drive them to their centers or other receiving places.

There are needs at all of these locations for more volunteers and people are responding from YWAM Europe and North America. Translators are especially needed If you would like to help at these border locations surrounding Ukraine, you can contact:
ELISE: for information

Pray for a quick end to this conflict, thousands are now dying in the shelling.

Pray for the deeper, spiritual war going on in high places. Seek the Holy Spirit’s leading in your prayers to understand what is happening in the heavenlies.

Pray for these brave, young y people who are risking their lives daily to minister in very dire situations.

Pray for wise decisions to be made by young leaders as well as the leaders of our nations.

Al Akimoff and The Slavic Ministries Team