Last night was a frightening experience for much of the world. Minutes after it happened it was sent to us and was sent out immediately to thousands of prayer warriors around the world. Praise God for a quick resolution and the fire was put out at the Atomic Reactor power plant.

The most commented on thing these last few days is the amazing response of y people in Ukraine, the border countries and the world. The networks have been amazing. Covid and the zoom revolution also produced a built-in communications system that has been revolutionary in our response during this crisis.

Y drivers are taking people out of Kyiv and to the borders in a systematic way that most transit systems would envy, all in the midst of peril to their lives. Most are women and children and a number of groups of orphans. It is reminiscent of Corrie Ten Boom and her rescue of Jewish babies. Pray for these brave young drivers, they have stories to tell.

Video from Kyiv

Many teams are forming at the borders as they are arriving from many countries. Pray that they will be able to be coordinated and well supplied. A number of Bibles are being donated as well as other helpful materials. One young Dutch lady, who led a ministry of anti-trafficking in Y Latvia, is now working for a government agency and was able to put together a pamphlet that is now being used to prevent this crisis from being exploited in that area.

Pray for our wonderful Y family in Kyiv these next few days, pray fervently as they are coming under intense attack. They are tired and their emotions are spent, rarely do we talk with them that they don’t break down and cry.

I am including a video of one of our beloved Kyiv gals that many know, she serves as DTS coordinator for Ukraine. Hear her story and please pray!

Al Akimoff and the Slavic Team